
HUDA News 2013 - Residents move court against extra land payment

Source -  Times Of India GURGAON: A group of residents who finally got HUDA plots after fighting a case in high court are now planning to move another petition seeking interest waiver and extra payment to be made due to enhancement on reward for landowners in Sector 57.
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The allotment of plots had been delayed for over six years, which forced the residents to move the Punjab and Haryana high court last year. Finally, after the court's intervention, HUDA had allotted the plots to 25 petitioners in the same sector. "The allotment of the plots was done in a hasty way. But now, we have been told by HUDA officials to pay more since the award for the landowners has been increased," said Isdeep, a plot owner. This means the plot owners will have to shell out between Rs 5 to 15 lakh in addition to the price already paid to HUDA for the plot.
 "Now, this is disgusting for all of us who had to wait for several years to get the plot. Now, we will have to pay more," said Ishdeep.

The group 25 plot owners are now planning to move court against the increase in price decided by HUDA. "There are two things. One is the waiver of the interest on the price paid to HUDA. The second is about the justification of including the plot owners, who did not get the plots because it was HUDA's fault," said another plot owner.

After allotment of the plat in 2004, HUDA found out that a large chunk of land was in litigation and the landowners were demanding more compensation from the state government. "The delay has hurt us the most. We had paid the money but were without the plots for several years. Now when we have been given the plots, HUDA is now demanding more money," said another plot owner, who lives in Delhi.

The demand for more money from HUDA on account of increase in compensation to landowners had been made recently. Apart from the plot owners, the RWA of Sector 57 too has approached the court against the increase in award given to the landowners. "If there is an increase in award, then HUDA must cover it up by auctioning the commercial sites instead of passing it on to the residents," said a resident of the sector.

The residents also claimed that during the legal case between HUDA and landowners over increased compensation, they were never informed. "The residents living in the sectors are worst affected by the compensation and unfortunately they were never made a party in the case," said another resident.

The HUDA officials, however, said the plots owners have been asked to pay more because of the High Court decision. As per the conditions of HUDA, it is clear that the price of the plot can be increased anytime in case of court ruling regarding compensation, said the official.

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