Javadpur University Kolkata
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Javadpur University Kolkata |
Council of Education, Bengal
first university in modern India was setup by the British in Calcutta in 1861
as a means of spreading western philosophical thought among the elite in India
and to create in the words of Lord Macaulcay, “a class of Indians who would be
Indian in blood and colour but western in thought and ideas.” This initiative
was furthered by the passing of the Universities Act of 1904. This resulted in
the reorganization of the Calcutta University’s Senate and Syndicate by the
nomination of more white members into them, which in turn would enable the
government to control its policies. The government also decided to disaffiliate
many private Indian colleges, which had come up lately and were regarded by the
Government as hot beds of nationalist agitation. The measures stirred the
educated middle class to move for alternative systems of education.
nationalists in the freedom struggle of India dubbed Calcutta University,
another pillar of India’s education movement, as “Goldighir Ghulamkhana”, or
the slave house of Goldighi, with reference to the lake adjacent to Calcutta
University, and the number of graduates it churned out who were used in British
merchant offices as clerks. Hence, the need for setting up an institution which
would impart education along nationalist lines was strongly felt by the
luminaries of the period. The real impetus though was provided by the partition
of Bengal by Lord Curzon, the Governor-General of India, into East Bengal on
the one hand (the area that was eventually to become Bangladesh in 1971) and
West Bengal and Orissa on the other. On 16 November 1905, the Landholders
Society organized a meeting at Park Street, attended by 1500 delegates,
including Rabindranath Tagore, Aurobindo Ghosh, Raja Subodh Chandra Mullick and
Brajendra Kishore Roychowdhury. The idea of the National Council of Education
was mooted here. In a meeting held on 9 November 1905 at the Field and Academic
Club, Subodh Chandra Mullick pledged Rupees one lakh for the foundation of a
National University in Bengal. The objective in setting up the institution that
was to challenge the British rule over education by offering education to the
masses 'on national lines and under national control'. Generous sums of money
were also donated by Brojendra Kishore Roy Choudhury, Maharaja Suryya Kanto
Acharya Choudhury and Rashbihari Ghosh, who was appointed the first president
of the university.
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Javadpur University Kolkata |
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Javadpur University Kolkata |
Jadavpur University
two organisations fought it out for a few years until the SPTE was amalgamated
with the NCE in 1910 and the Bengal Technical Institute passed into its hands.
In 1921 the Institute became the first in India to introduce Chemical
Engineering as a discipline. By 1940, the institute had outgrown itself as more
than just a small institute and was virtually functioning as an independent
Independence period and formation of Jadavpur University
Indian Independence in 1947, the West Bengal State Legislature, with the
concurrence of the Government of India, enacted the Jadavpur University Act,
1955 to convert the institute into Jadavpur University with full autonomy on
(December 24, 1955). Since then the university has observed this date in its
calendar as Convocation Day.
University has had its share of ups and downs since its formation as an
autonomous university. On the one hand, this period has seen the university’s
growth as one of the foremost centres of the excellence in the country, while
on the other, this period has also seen it being affected by naxalite violence
that claimed, among others, the life of Prof. Gopal Chandra Sen, who was the
vice chancellor of the university at the time of his death.
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Javadpur University Kolkata |
emblem of the university is a three-flamed lamp encircled by lotus petals. The
lamp represents knowledge. The three flames represent Intellectual Training,
Cultivation of Emotions and Imagination, and Spiritual Development. Petals of
the lotus on the periphery represent Fine Arts and Culture. It was designed by
Nandalal Bose, a key member of the Bengal School of Art, who was one of the
great masters at Kala Bhavan in Rabindranath Tagore's Visva-Bharati University
in Santiniketan. As the university celebrated its Golden Jubilee on December
24, 2005, a special emblem (see above) was created to commemorate the occasion,
and the motto 'To Know Is To Grow' was coined. This date was also the centenary
of the National Council of Education.
Jadavpur Campus
main campus of Jadavpur University is bordered by the Raja S.C. Mullick Road,
the Jadavpur Station Road, the Kolkata Suburban Rail, South Line and the
Central Glass and Ceramic Research Institute (CSIR India). The present campus
was first leased to the NCE in 1922 by the Calcutta Municipal Corporation when
Deshbandhu Chittaranjan Das was the mayor. On 11 March 1922 the foundation
stone of Aurobindo Bhavan, which is currently the main administrative centre of
the university, was laid. The seat of engineering was shifted to the Aurobindo
Bhavan in 1924 when the building was completed.
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Javadpur University Kolkata |
Jadavpur campus houses most of the departments of the three faculties —
Engineering, Science and Arts — in addition to the Jadavpur University Central
Library and the Blue Earth Workshop. It is adjacent to research institutes like
the Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science, Indian Institute of
Chemical Biology and the Central Glass and Ceramic Research Institute. The
architecture of the campus is typical sub–continental in nature with flat-roof
rectangular plans. Some of the older buildings, especially in the engineering
faculty and the Aurobindo Bhavan in particular, have a strong Bengali influence
which can be seen in the design of the pillars and even the wooden doors and
The Entrance to Jadavpur University Faculty
of Science, Gate No. 4
Aurobindo Bhavan
A walkway inside JU
Department of Electronics
Department of Electrical Engineering
The Jadavpur University Tower
Civil and Comp. Science Building
Main football ground
UG Science Building
Department of Pharmacy
UG Arts
Arobindo Bhavan, Jadavpur University,
Kolkata, India
on the main campus
of the prominent landmarks on the engineering side include the Blue Earth
Workshop — which, in addition to being among the foremost centers of learning
techniques in workshop technology, also has the dubious distinction of having
been used by students affected by the naxalite violence to manufacture blow
guns, the “gachchtola”, the “jheel paar”, ashirwad canteen ( now converted into
the SURUCHI canteen), the windmill and the “green zone”.
the arts and science side, some of the prominent landmarks include the English
department “ledge”, the “Bhanga Bridge”, worldview bookstore, Open Air Theatre
and “Milan Da’s” canteen.
of Blue Earth Workshop
The Green Zone
Jadavpur University Wind Mill
Jheel Par
Battle Tank remains
Milan Da’s Canteen
World View
Broken Bridge
Arts Gachtola
Salt Lake City Campus
Salt Lake City Campus is a newer campus and was setup after it was felt that
the space on the main campus was insufficient to meet the demands of setting up
departments for emerging fields of study. It is a 28 acre campus in LB block,
Salt Lake just off the Eastern Metropolitan Bypass near the Chingrighata
crossing. It is surrounded by many renowned educational institutes like The
West Bengal National University of Juridical Sciences, National Institute of
Fashion Technology, Kolkata and Government college of Engineering and leather
technology along with the Headquarters of the West Bengal Power Development
Corporation Limited. Five engineering departments operate out of the campus —
Information Technology, Instrumentation and Electronics Engineering, Printing
Engineering, Construction Engineering and Power Engineering. It also houses the
School of Mobile Computing and Communication, a Library, the administrative block
(KMR) and a hostel complex for out-station students. The main ground at the
Salt Lake campus has been leased out to the Cricket Association of Bengal and
it often plays host to inter- and intrastate cricket matches.
The new canteen in the Salt Lake campus
The Instrumentation & Electronics
department building
The Information Technology department
The department building of both the
Printing Engineering and Construction Engineering departments
The School of Mobile Computing and
The building hosting the Power Engineering and
Instrumentation & Electronics engineering departments
The main ground in the Salt Lake campus
leased out to the Cricket Association of Bengal hosting a Ranji Trophy match
between Bengal and Madhya Pradesh
National Instruments
Limited Campus
new National Instruments Limited Campus
University has recently acquired the erstwhile National Instruments Limited
(CSIR), becoming the first Indian university to acquire such a research unit.
It is on a nine-acre plot opposite the main campus. After renovation, the new
campus is expected to add much-needed space for new laboratories especially for
the Departments of Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Telecommunication
Engineering, and Computer Science & Engineering. The NIL campus is to be
connected to the main campus by an underground tunnel to bypass the traffic on
the busy Raja S.C. Mullick Road.
Affiliated institutes
addition to being a unitary university, it has other institutes like the
Jawahari Devi Birla Institute of Commerce and Management, Jadavpur Vidyapith as
well as the Institute of Business Management affiliated to it, which operate
out of independent campuses. While these institutes have their own independent
curriculum as well as examination systems, the final degree is offered by
Jadavpur University.
Faculty housing
most universities which provide accommodation to faculty and staff on campus,
due to a shortage of space, faculty housing is provided in the campus as well
in nearby areas. This includes housing in areas like Santoshpur and Tollygunge.
University Press and publication house
Jadavpur University
university press publishes all documents of record in the university including
PhD theses, question papers and journals. On 26 October 2010 the institution
announced plans to launch a publication house, named Jadavpur University Press.
The main focus of the publication house will be to publish textbooks and thesis
written by research scholars and authors from all universities. The first two titles
of JUP were launched on February 1, 2012 at the Calcutta Book Fair. The two
titles were Rajpurush (translation of Niccolo Machiavelli's Il Principe);
translated by Doyeeta Majumder, with an introduction by Swapan Kumar
Chakravorty, and Shilpachinta (translation of selections from Leonardo da
Vinci's notebooks); translated by Sukanta Chaudhuri. Both books were translated
from the original Italian.
Administration and
University is an autonomous state university. The governor of the state of West
Bengal is its chancellor. However, the daily administration is handled under
the leadership of the vice chancellor, who is appointed by the governor on the
recommendations of the government of West Bengal. The vice chancellor is assisted
in his duties by the pro vice chancellor who is de facto a senior faculty
member of faculty of engineering and technology.
the university’s administrative structure, the highest body is the university
court. It consists of members elected by the staff members of the university
from amongst themselves as well as members of the alumni.
in hierarchy comes the executive council of the university, which takes all the
decisions relating to day to day functioning. It consists of staff and student
members from all the three faculties. The student members of the faculties
finding representation on the executive council are the chairmen of the three
student councils of unions.
three faculties in turn have their own councils which are changed every four
years and differ in their compositions. The engineering faculty for example has
members who are nominated either by the vice chancellor or are invited from the
various schools functioning under the faculty. The Arts and Science Faculties
have member from the affiliated institutes like J.D. Birla in addition to
members from the respective faculties. However, a common factor in each of the
three faculties is that each department is represented on the council by the
Head of the Department and at least one other faculty member of the department.
these councils are the offices of the registrar, finance officer, controller of
examinations, university engineer, faculty secretaries, placement coordinator
and deans of the three faculties and students welfare which are responsible for
the administrative tasks delegated to them. Finally, at the departmental level
are the heads of departments.
to Jadavpur University is highly competitive, as it consistently ranks amongst
the best colleges in India.
admissions to the Engineering Faculty at the undergraduate level, students are
admitted through the WBJEE, an entrance examination open to students from all
over India. Unlike in a large number of states, there is no domicile quota in
JU as well as for the remaining engineering colleges admitting students through
the WBJEE. Postgraduate students in engineering are admitted through GATE.
Admission to the Arts and Science Faculties is by means of individual
examinations for each of the departments at the undergraduate as well as the
postgraduate levels. Weight age is given to marks obtained at the higher
secondary level for undergraduate admissions at the undergraduate level for
postgraduate level.
Schools and Centres of
facilitate interdisciplinary learning and research in diverse fields, there are
a number of schools and centre for studies. Some of the major research ventures
undertaken by these schools include the pioneering work done by the School of
Environmental Studies in highlighting the presence of arsenic in groundwater in
countries like India and Bangladesh and the development of the first alcohol
based car by the School of Automobile Engineering.
School of Environmental
interdisciplinary schools in the university are
- · School of Cognitive Science
- · School of Computer and Information Science and Engineering
- · School of Advanced Studies on Industrial Pollution Control Engineering
- · School of Automobile Engineering
- · School of Applied Mathematics
- · School of Applied Chemistry
- · School of Agroecology
- · School of Anthropology
- · School of Bioscience Engineering
- · School of Biomedical Engineering
- · School of Business Administration
- · School of Cultural Texts and Records [6]
- · School of Criminology & Criminal Justice
- · School of Chemiinformatics
- · School of Design
- · School of Disaster Science & Management
- · School of Education Technology
- · School of Economics
- · School of Energy Studies
- · School of Environmental Radiation and Archaeological Sciences
- · School of Environmental Studies
- · School of Food & Nutrition Science
- · School of Governance Studies
- · School of Geophysics
- · School of Illumination Science, Engineering and Design
- · School of International Relations and Strategic Studies
- · School of International Development Studies
- · School of Laser Science and Engineering
- · School of Languages
- · School of Materials Science and Nano Technology
- · School of Microtechnology
- · School of Mechatronics
- · School of Microbiology
- · School of Media, Communication and Culture
- · School of Mobile Computing and Communication
- · School of Natural Product Studies
- · School of Nuclear Studies and Application
- · School of Oceanography
- · School of Pharmacology
- · School of Public Administration
- · School of Sociology
- · School of Space Technology
- · School of Stealth Technology
- · School of Science and Technology Studies
- · School of Tourism, Recreation and Sport Management
- · School of Water Resources Engineering
- · School of Wildlife Ecology
- · School of Gender Studies
- · School of Visual Technology
centres for studies are usually directly associated with a particular
department and the centres in Jadavpur University are:
Tension Laboratory on the left: It is one of the largest laboratories in
Eastern India
- · Centre for African Literatures & Culture
- · Centre on Ambedkar Studies
- · Aurobindo Study Centre
- · Centre for Experiments in Social & Behavioural Sciences
- · Centre for Computer Aided Design
- · Centre for Canadian Studies
- · Centre for Condensed Matter Physics Research
- · Centre for Counselling Services and Studies in Self Development
- · C.V. Raman Centre for Music and Physics
- · Centre for Medicinal Food and Applied Nutrition
- · Centre for Distributed Computing
- · Centre for Development Studies
- · Centre for European Studies
- · Centre for Embedded System in Instrumentation
- · Hariprasanna Biswas Centre for Indo-China Cultural Studies
- · Centre for Human Resources Management & Planning
- · Center for Education Research and Development
- · Centre for IC Design and Fabrication
- · Centre for Indology
- · Centre for Knowledge Based System
- · Centre for Latin American Literature & Culture
- · Centre for Modern Language Studies
- · Centre for Marxian Studies
- · Centre for Mathematical Biology & Ecology
- · Centre for Micro-Processor Application
- · Centre for Nuclear and Particle Physics Research
- · Centre for Natural Resource Management and Development
- · Centre for Plasma Studies
- · Centre for Quantitative Science
- · Centre for Quality Construction
- · Centre for Quality Management System
- · Centre for Refugee Studies
- · Centre for Relativity and Cosmology Research
- · Centre for Surface Chemistry
- · Centre for Statistics
- · Swami Vivekananda Centre for Technical Manpower Development
- · Centre for Theatre Studies
- · Centre for Translation of Indian Literature's
- · Centre for Transportation Studies
- · Centre for Urban Studies and Management
- · Centre for Welding Technology
- · Center for Forest Resources and Conservation
- · Centre for Yoga
- · V. Ravi Chandran Centre for Pharmaceutical Sciences
March 2011, Indian American scientist Manick Sorcar assisted in the opening of
a one-of-a-kind laser animation lab under the School of Illumination Science,
Engineering and Design.
opportunities to pursue research in institutes in USA and Europe are available
to students at JU. Engineering and science students can avail of DAAD and
ERASMUS fellowships in Europe. In addition the university has collaborations
with the University of Newcastle upon Tyne, Leeds Metropolitan University, Free
University of Bozen-Bolzano, Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute, University of
California, Staffordshire University and International Centre for Theoretical
and digital resources
JU Central Library
University has one of the largest libraries among universities in India. It has
the third largest library within the state of West Bengal. There is a Central
Library on the Main Campus in Jadavpur and another smaller one at the Salt Lake
Campus. Besides these, the thirty three departments, and schools have their own
Central Library or CL is housed in a three-storey building near the third gate
of the main campus. It has the biggest stock of books, journals, theses,
dissertations, pamphlets, maps and microfilms in the university. The total
record of books in the university is around 600,000. In addition there are
around 80,000 journals, 13,000 theses and dissertations and 37,000 non-book
Centre for Digital Library and Documentation known simply as the Digital
Library or DL is housed in the new annex building of the Central Library. It
was setup in 2003 to assist in the digitization of data on campus. The learning
resource centre of the DL has around sixty nodes for accessing digital data
both on the internet as well as the internal database of the university.
most Indian engineering colleges barring IITs emphasize on undergraduate
teaching, Jadavpur University is primarily recognized on research, after IITs
it has been ranked sixth in research output in India for its engineering
faculty. Some other rankings are:
Ranked 2nd in India by IAS,2009
Faculty of Engineering and Technology
ranked 10th in India, 2009 (Mint C-Fore)[9]
Faculty of Engineering and Technology
ranked 12th in India, 2009 (Outlook)[10]
Faculty of Arts ranked 2nd in India (India
Today 2008)
Faculty of Engineering and Technology
ranked 1st in India (India Today 2007)
Faculty of Engineering and Technology
ranked 10th in India (Career360 2011)
Student life
most Indian universities, Jadavpur University has the distinction of having
three separate faculties of learning within its ambit — Arts, Engineering &
Technology and Science. This creates the ground for a vibrant student life.
However, the absence of a residential campus denies the students many of the
additional facilities which are usually available to students in other
University is primarily non-residential. Housing on campus is usually quite
difficult to get. Accommodation is usually reserved for out-of-state and
financially weak students. Some of the Masters and Research scholars are
accommodated on the hostel On the main campus. The main men's hostel is near
the Jadavpur Police Station on Prince Anwar Shah Road at a walking distance
from the university. The women's hostel is on the main campus near the guest
house. Hence, usually most of the students from towns and cities other than
Kolkata take up accommodation in guest houses and as paying guests in
residences in the vicinity.
bodies are an important aspect of student life inside Jadavpur University. All
the three faculties have their own student representative bodies also known as
student unions. The members to these bodies are elected by students of the
respective faculties.
elections to these bodies are held once a year and are keenly followed both
inside as well as outside campus. Some of the groups contesting these elections
are affiliates of the major political parties, while others are so-called
independent student bodies.But proving their affiliation by their works. The
interest in student elections is the most in the Arts Faculty where the student
political movement is a lot more ideologically motivated than the engineering
or science faculties.
Clubs and activities
are a number of student clubs and associations in the university. Some of these
Quiz Forum and Debating Society: The quiz
forum and debating societies are two separate societies – Enquiry, the Quiz
Club and the JUDS, which have been functioning under one umbrella. Both these
societies have been successful in not just promoting the arts of quizzing and
debating on the campus, but have also produced quizzers and debaters of
national repute. The annual inter college events of the QFDS, namely Qriosity
and VOX POP are two of the biggest literary events in Kolkata.
Jadavpur University Photography Club: One
of the most active societies on campus, the JUPC encourages avid shutterbugs to
develop and portray their creativity from behind the lens.
Jadavpur University Mountaineering Club:
The members of the JUMC can choose between rock climbing and trekking. Annual
trips are held to the rocky mountains of Purulia and at least one glacier in
the upper Himalayas.
Jadavpur University Chess Club: The
Jadavpur University Chess Club is a nascent venture of chess enthusiasts at
promoting the sport among the students of the university. It organizes an
annual chess competition on the birthday of the legendary Bobby Fisher.
Jadavpur University Music Club: It is one
of the oldest clubs in the university and has produced some of the most versatile
classical singers in Bengal. The members of the club actively take part in
inter-college events at the national as well as the regional level, including
at the South Asian Universities Youth Festival.
addition to these clubs, there are numerous other activities which are pursued
by the students of the university including sports like cricket, football,
table tennis etc., street plays, theatrics and robotics. The various student
unions organize annual tournaments in sports at the inter-departmental levels
in the months of August and September.
article: Sanskriti (culfest)
annual cultural festival (or culfest) of Jadavpur University is called
"Sanskriti", which in Bengali or Hindi means Culture. Each of the
three faculties organizes separate editions which spread over a fortnight. It
is usually held over the months of February and March. The festivals feature a
series of events which portray the cultural talents of not just the
participating students but also established artists from across the region. The
highlight of the events is usually the live performance, featuring some of the
best musical acts of the region on the last day of each of the editions.
annual technical festival of Jadavpur University is called “Srijan”, which in
the vernacular means an act of creation. It is organized by the students of the
Faculty of Engineering and Technology in the month of March with the aim of
promoting the spirit of innovation and discovery among the participants and
features competitions in coding, robotics, hardware designing, and even
mathematical puzzles. Also in this fest some workshops are organised like
ethical hacking to give student the current updates on technologies.
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