
Linkin Park Leave Out All the Rest Song Deep Meaning

 Linkin Park Leave Out All the Rest    Song Meaning 

honestly, the meaning really is straightforward but in a good way, this is such a good song. I think alot of you kinda got the wrong message. Maybe because alot of you are trying to dig too deep into the meaning when all you got to do is really look and he gives it away easily but strong. my opinion this is the best song on the album, but I still love every song on the album a whole lot.

The song starts out talking about when he dreamted about when he was dead and not part of the earth anymore, and then when he woke up after his dream, he thought about what will stay here (the people, the memories, how they will feel) when hes gone in the afterlife, and

'When my time comes
Forget the wrong that I've done
Help me leave behind some
Reasons to be missed'

he's saying when his time comes for death, like all of us will have, he doesn't want people to dwell on all the bad things he has done, or what he didn't do. leaving behind reasons to be missed for him are kinda an assumption to us that he wants the people to remember the good times and good things, cause there were also alot.

'And don't resent me
And when you're feeling empty
Keep me in your memory'

as in, if you had hatred for something he did or he did something wrong to you or even if he wasn't in the greatest mood all the time (whatever the reason is), don't keep bitterness on him, forgive him not only because he is dead or gone, but because he is human, and if you are a person who really cared about him, keep him in your memory, like he said in the lyrics.

'Don't be afraid
I've taken my beating
I've shared what I made'

he did what he had to do on this earth, he took his share of being beat on, maybe not physically, but hes had his share of dislike, and he's shared what he's made (in chester's case, he's shared his music for the world. he shared what he made'.

'I'm strong on the surface
Not all the way through
I've never been perfect
But neither have you'

he may of been strong shielded for himself but like all of us as humans, he had difficulty with things and broke down from time to time. He wasn't perfect, like all of us never will be. So don't hold the things he did wrong against him. we have all done things wrong.

All the hurt inside
You've learned to hide so well'

hes talking about himself, and everyone else, about how we all try to forget the bad things that have happened to us, and we try to convince ourselves that we are okay cause we have hidden it 'so well'. That indeed is my favorite line in the whole song.

Someone else can come and save me from myself

we all have hope that there is someone out there to help us through the destructive times that come about in our lives, so he is pretending someone can come help him, but he knows deep inside he has false hopes cause deep down it's like he just can't be saved. Alot of people feel like that, including me.

'I can't be who you are' - referring to the people who are living greatly in his life, or aren't in as much distress as he is dealing with right now, he can't be them because of the things happening to him.

This song really gets to me. Chesters voice is the perfect companion with the beat and song. I can listen to it over and over again and it will never get old, as with alot of LP's songs. It's almost as if they speak my life in all the right words, and I know alot of people can relate also. Truly great, great song.

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